Thursday, March 31, 2016

Go-Karting in Malaysia | Info on Karting Events and Competition in Malaysia

Assalamu'alaykum and good evening, to start off I'm an amateur karter and I don't have my own kart. Basically if you want to start karting in Malaysia, I recommend you to join karting leagues which are(alhamdulillah) available in this country. Well you do need practicing(and the track) and learn basic first on the internet and the track itself if you want to be competitive at your first go. They use rental karts ranging from 80cc to 100cc, the higher classes(125cc) do have rental kart but cost very expensive and it would be cheaper to buy one albeit still expensive. It is after all a motorsport event.

Basically there are two leagues that host monthly karting competition, they are Initial Karting Competizone and Kart-X league. The Initial Karting Competizone league also known as IKC league features 80cc - 125cc karting competition. They host at the end of the month or third week of the month(depending on circumstances) on Sundays. Registration begins usually from 9.30 A.M. to 10.30 P.M. It costs about RM220 + RM100 deposit for every race. For every race, they held 3 sessions which are Heat1, Heat2 and Final Race. The heat 1 will determine what grid position you will start in heat 2(usually in reverse order, so if you get pole here you will be at the back of the grid) while heat 2 will determine the position that you will start in for the final race. There are two groups for the remaining Final Race session, Group A and Group B. The TOP 10 drivers that have the most points accumulated through heat 1 and heat 2 from both groups respectively will proceed into Group A while the rest of the drivers are pushed into Group B.

The other league, Kart-X, is hosted a day before the IKC league on Saturday. It usually starts around 8.00P.M.. They feature only 80CC karts and have the same format as the above(the points distribution differ though, I'm not entirely sure how it is calculated). The karts are predictably slower than the 100cc karts however, the track is more challenging and have awesome long right hand corners. It also goes uphill and downhill(elevations if you may) at the middle part of  the track so it's quite cool.

To Summarize:

Category: 80cc, 100cc and 125cc(bought or rental only, not available on track have to be booked)
Price Range: RM120-RM320(include deposit)
Day:Sunday of every end of the month
FB PAGE: Initial Karting Competizone

Price: RM150
Day:Saturday of every end of the month

Good Sites for learning about Karting:

Karting Driving Technique

*Article was written a few months ago, the prices for the categories may have changed.

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